Episode 112 – Fist You In The Slizgorp

This week the grumpy ole gamers come at you in a sour mood and talk about the sour mess that is Pokemon Sword & Shield’s story and pacing. We also talk about Hotshot Racing and miscellaneous ramblings from tired, addled brains.

2 Comments so far:

  1. Joshua says:

    Blue Shell woes. My son and I still play a bit of Mario Kart but that blue shell is unanimously terrible, along with the wretched lightning cloud. I believe Nintendo, and perhaps games in general, lean a little too hard on a bit of randomness to level the playing field. I suppose it can be fun at times but as you mentioned, it can really seem off-putting when an obvious win turns into a loss too often due to this sort of nonsense.

    Great show guys.

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